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发布时间:2021-01-10 14:48:42 所属栏目:站长百科 来源:网络整理
导读:我知道Oracle物化视图无法使用“not exists”子句快速刷新. 有工作吗?我尝试使用左外连接和()但这两个选项似乎也没有用.任何帮助表示赞赏 create materialized view mv_myview refresh fast as select a.* from tableA a where not exists (select * from t

我知道Oracle物化视图无法使用“not exists”子句快速刷新.

create materialized view mv_myview refresh fast as 
select a.* 
from tableA a 
    not exists (select * from tableB b where a.my_id = b.my_id);


启用快速刷新很棘手,有许多奇怪的限制和无用的错误消息.在这种情况下,您需要创建物理化视图日志WITH ROWID,使用()连接语法,并为每个表添加ROWID.

create table tablea(my_id number primary key,a number);
create table tableb(my_id number primary key,b number);

create materialized view log on tablea with rowid;
create materialized view log on tableb with rowid;

create materialized view mv_myview refresh fast on commit as 
select a.my_id,a.a,b.b,a.rowid a_rowid,b.rowid b_rowid
from tableA a,tableB b
where a.my_id = b.my_id(+)
    and b.My_id IS NULL;

insert into tablea values(1,1);

select * from mv_myview;

MY_ID  A  B  A_ROWID             B_ROWID
-----  -  -  -------             -------
1      1     AAAUH3AAEAAC+t0AAA


